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6 more tips for managing the safety of an ageing workforce In our last blog, we covered some things you, as employer or manager, should be aware of when managing an ageing workforce. Now we will cover 6 more things – we hope it’s helpful! 1. Less tolerance for extreme temperatures ie heat and cold maintain…
Whether you’re in HR, the WHS officer, a manager/supervisor or a worker, our ageing workforce impacts you. It’s one of the biggest issues facing Australia today, and requires targeted management. A large percentage of the Australian workforce are over 65. They bring extremely valuable knowledge and experience to the workplace, however they also face age-specific…
As I sat eating my breakfast and reading the papers on the weekend, I was fascinated to see the continued tradition of the good old-fashioned ‘snake oil’ salesman is still alive and well. The paper contained articles interviewing people pushing anything from herbs claiming to cure the terminally ill, to wristbands that improve an athlete’s…
Christmas is a time for good food and good times. There’s lots of parties and the weather is warming up – it’s a great time of year! But as an employer it can turn into your worst nightmare, if you are not prepared. If you’re having a Christmas function for your employees this year, make…
Not too long ago we talked about how to choose a good pillow. But a pillow is only one of the key factors in having a good night’s sleep. A good mattress is essential to your health and wellbeing. Choosing a mattress can be overwhelming. There are so many terms that are thrown around: pillow…
Recently, we talked about 6 things that could be causing your back and neck pain. In the second part of this series (based on this article. Rachael Sheat, the author, has kindly granted permission for use of her work), we identify some things you can do to prevent or ease back and neck pain. Get…
Back and neck pain affect many people and, due to increased use of technology and lifestyle factors, are on the rise. This is a two part article, based on the work of the lovely Rachael Sheat from Victoria Pain Specialists. The original article is targeted at health care practitioners, so we’ve made some adjustments (with…
The day after this horrible bus crash at the Montague St Bridge, a truck ran into the exact same bridge. A week and a half later, another truck ran into the same bridge. As of May 2016, the bridge has been hit 102 times in the last six years. That’s more than once a month! It happens so…
Remote technologies and flexible working arrangements mean that more employees are working from home offices. But while the flexibility for employees is seen as a perk, as an employer, it’s your responsibility to make sure that home offices meet ergonomic safety standards. Here’s our top tips on how you can set up a safe and productive home…
Workplace injuries in Australia are estimated to cost more than $60 billion per year – but the true of workplace injuries stretches well beyond, with the cost of medical and legal expenses. At Dohrmann Consulting, we see too many workplace injuries that could be avoided. And prevention is better than cure. So for the office…
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